„A business idea can also stem from an injury. This is how Milda Savickaitė created her internationally recognized brand. While recovering from a knee injury and unable to find the high-quality collagen supplements recommended by her doctor, she decided to make them herself. Her goal was to create top-quality collagen products that would not only aid in recovery but also ensure long-term quality of life maintenance.“

„Ten years ago, Milda underwent knee surgery due to a shattered knee joint cartilage.“
„After the surgery, I asked the surgeon what I should do to avoid coming back to him with similar problems. The surgeon advised strengthening my muscles and taking products rich in collagen. I searched for a long time for a way to enrich my diet with this supplement until I found out that the most effective option is concentrated long-simmered beef bone broth,“ recalls the interviewee.

„At that point, she had to choose between making the broth at home or buying pre-made broth from stores. The first option seemed too complicated – it was hard to find the right raw materials, and to extract the highest nutritional value and collagen concentration, the broth would need to simmer for about 20 hours. ‘It’s almost impossible to do this at home – not everyone can afford to spend that much time in the kitchen. At that time, store-bought broths had too little protein, so they also seemed unsuitable. Unable to find what I was looking for, I decided to try creating such a product myself,’ says Milda.”
„It’s almost impossible to do this at home – not everyone can afford to spend such a long time in the kitchen.“
„This led to the creation of the innovative technology company ‘Kulagenas,’ which processes animal-origin agricultural by-products, such as bones and cartilage, into high-value-added collagen in broth form. The product, developed and manufactured in Lithuania, became the first of its kind in Europe and has already attracted attention from global companies – ‘PepsiCo’ and ‘Sainsbury’s’ brands contributed to the startup’s acceleration.”

„Although the competitive environment offers a wide range of products (collagen supplements or broths), they are often either not natural (chemically processed), lack good taste, contain many synthetic additives (such as maltodextrin), are inconvenient to consume (short shelf life, require special storage conditions), or have low collagen protein content. In an era when consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of their choices on the planet, ‘Kulagenas’ stands firm on sustainability. The startup strives to reduce its ecological footprint – from ethically produced collagen to the implementation of eco-friendly manufacturing processes. The company’s philosophy is based on a consumer-oriented perspective, ensuring that every product is created with the end consumer in mind, believing that prioritizing consumer well-being is inseparable from promoting sustainability, thus creating a symbiosis between personal health and the health of the planet.”
„It became the first of its kind in Europe.“
Milda prisimena, kad nuo pat verslo pradžios buvo aišku, jog tokia idėja ir produktas yra rinkoje visiškai nauji. Kadangi į idėją ir jos realizavimą buvo įdėta nemažai darbo, kilo noras užtikrinti, kad tokį ar panašų produktą galėtų gaminti tik patys išradimo autoriai, ir apsaugoti savo intelektinę nuosavybę. Tuo tikslu pašnekovės įmonė 2022 m. pasinaudojo Europos Sąjungos intelektinės nuosavybės tarnybos kartu su Europos Komisija vykdomo MVĮ fondo projekto skiriama finansine parama mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, taip pat išankstinio nustatymo paslauga (IP Scan) bei pateikė patento paraišką Valstybiniam patentų biurui ir užsakė paieškos Europos patentų tarnyboje paslaugą. Pasak Valstybinio patentų biuro direktorės Irinos Urbonės, ši paslauga yra puiki galimybė išradėjui iki išradimo atskleidimo visuomenei patikrinti, ar jis potencialiai gali būti sėkmingai užpatentuotas ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienio valstybėse.

„Once potential success is assured, one can participate in further patenting processes, such as submitting European patent or international applications. It is clear that when thinking about invention protection, the combination of national applications and searches with the European Patent Office can be the beginning of a well-considered and successful patenting journey. Unfortunately, businesses in the country have not yet given sufficient attention to this support – currently, only a few such applications are received per year,“ she says.
„For those looking to start their own business, she advises not to lack courage:”
„If she could turn back time, she would start her business journey faster and with more courage, as fear sometimes prevents us from seizing opportunities that come unexpectedly. ‘The most important thing is to find something that excites you, a topic you never get tired of talking about, and to build a team of like-minded people. If the main goal is money rather than self-realization, it’s not the right start. Also, it’s crucial that the values of all team members align, and if something doesn’t work out, don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy what you do, no matter how hard it may be,’ Milda sums up. The SME Fund financial support is available for small and medium-sized enterprises established in the European Union. In 2023, more than a thousand small and medium-sized companies in Lithuania used compensation for trademark, design, or invention registrations.”